Maelie's Stats:
+ 9 months 9 days old+ 20lbs 8 oz (79th %ile)
+ 28 3/4" long (82nd %ile)
+ I don't know the exact measurement of her head, but it's huge.... (97th %ile)
+ Two bottom teeth
Maelie Loves:
+All kinds of fruits and veggies+Yogurt melts and fruit/veggie puffs
+To feed herself finger foods (her pincer grasp gets better every day!)
+Having her back, legs, and arms tickled (like her mom)
+Scooting around wherever she pleases
+Bath time
+Bedtime (keeping our fingers crossed this sticks....)
+Saying "mumumumum" and "dadadadada"
+Walks outside
+Waving "hi"and "bye bye"
+Clicking her tongue
+Blowing raspberries, but not on just her lips are making the noise. What do you call that? Well hopefully you know what I'm talking about.
Maelie Dislikes:
+Falling asleep in her new carseat+When mom or dad block off the kitchen so she can't get in
+When we put away any power cords so she can't play with them
+Sleeping at church (too much going on!)
+Wearing shoes, socks or tights
+The Oklahoma heat! Okay so maybe it's me that doesn't like it, but seriously her poor
January 18th, 2014--Birthday! |
October 18th, 2014-- 9 months old |
Stay tuned for tomorrow--the very first Things I Love Tuesday
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