
Two Whole Months!

Yesterday marked two months of being married! WOOT!
After all of our classes and a little bit of homework, David took me out to dinner. :) Since there aren't many places to eat in Rexburg we went to Wingers! Delicious. I have left overs that I'm excited to eat today for lunch!
We went home, finished homework (at exactly the same time=awesome), then, of course, I decided I needed a treat..... David said "well you get ready for bed and I'll go get you a treat, it'll just take like 10 minutes". DEAL! Guess what that treat was?
MY FAVORITE!!! He's so good to me. :)

Then we finished the 2nd season of The Walking Dead! Can't wait for Season 3 to start next month!
We have been married for 2 months and we couldn't be happier. I'm so happy I got to marry my best friend in the whole wide world. He makes me laugh, he lets me cry, he supports me in everything I do and he makes me feel like a Princess. :) Here's to 2 months...and an eternity more! I love you, David!


Dominguez Family Home Evening

Last night we had a pretty legit FHE. Here's what we did...

David made dinner...
- HOMEMADE Fried Chicken
** Mom, we would have had salad, but for some reason ours was already rotten. I tried**

Then I gave a mini-lesson on goal setting and we discussed our goals for this year. We've over all decided to be "hundred percenters" in everything we do (i.e., church, school, work, marriage etc.)

Then...much to David's dismay, we played SCRABBLE.
He'd never played before. Each time he laid down a word he'd say "That's at least 4,000 points". Nice try. I won. Well...he didn't even keep his score, so I won. :)

We then got ready for bed and watched two episodes of "The Walking Dead" season 2. We may or may not be slightly addicted to that show. :-/

And that's it!


Back in the "East North"

Yep. I said East North. It's what we're calling it now days, thanks to Papa. :)

David is up snowboarding and has been since 8:30 this morning. I'm at home and have been doing homework all morning. I decided I needed to take a little break...and blogging is what I chose to do on my break (maybe I should have chosen getting ready....naaahh).

Well we are back to school and officially have 3 days of class under our belts! We are excited and SO ready for this new adventure as married students!

We were lucky enough to have my parents and the three little kids come to help us move into our cute little apartment. Getting the couch in the apartment was a feat, and seeing our giant kitchen table for the first time was a shock and called for some adjustments in furniture arrangements, but everything fits perfectly and, after not knowing if we'd have a place to live at all, we know we are in the right place! Such a good feeling.

Here are a few pictures of our first place together:

Front room (123,523,098 pound couch)
Our empty little corner. We're planning to add a TV into our family eventually...maybe that can help this corner out a little bit.

Close up on the wall decor.

KITCHEN! I really like our baby kitchen. It's definitely not the condo kitchen, but it's perfect for two. :)

The other wall of the kitchen! Thanks Santa/Parents for the microwave!

Our bedroom! Try and guess which side is mine (hint...I'm always freezing). Thanks for the homemade afghan, Granny!

The dresser that fit perfectly (Tetris-style) on the wall opposite our bed. It is covered in my textbooks...in fact this picture is missing three of mine and all of David's. We feel like we bought more this semester than ever before. MEH!

The bathroom.

The shower and toilet.
And there you have it. We are so happy to have a place to call ours.

Now everyone come visit!!! We have an extra bed. :)